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Australia’s Highest Quality Commercial Grade ‘Beverage Dispensers’.
Shopping Cart: Purchase ‘Beer Tubes’ or ‘Cocktail Balloons’ by VISA / MasterCard via PayPal – 24 hrs 7 days.
To BUY click on the ‘Beer Tubes’ or ‘Cocktail Balloons’ boxes below.
Branding: Purchase any ‘Logo’s’ or ‘Wraps’ for your Beer Tube via the Shopping Cart. Simply indicate the ‘Branding’ you want in the ‘Comments Box’ at checkout.
Phone: Order any ‘Beer Tubes’ or any ‘Branding’ over the phone. Call: 1300 233 788 7 Days (9am-9pm).
Delivery: Australia Wide Delivery to your door within 3-4 Days. Overnight Delivery Phone: 1300 233 788 (7 Days)